Kebab Recipes

Kebab (also called kebap, kabab and kabob) is a traditional dish of sliced meat originating in the Middle East and later adopted in Central Asia and by the regions of the former Ottoman Empire, before spreading worldwide.

Desserts Recipes

Gindispensable in our lives. What would we do without them.

Salad Recipes

Do you want a taste of different salads

Fruit and Vegetables

Getting to know the healthy foods.

Borek Recipes

easy and delicious pie recipes you can find on our site.


Monday, September 30, 2013

Fruit Salad

One of the indispensable foods of the summer season is fruit salad.
How do we do it. Very Simple.
We only thing we need are banana, kiwi and strawberry.
You can also add other fruits if you wish.
Chop the fruit and put on a plate. That's all.
Eat as soon as possible. because bananas darken.
Bon Appetit.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Wheat Pumpkin Meal

Have you tried Wheat pumkin food? This is a very simple and tasty meal. How About learning? let's go.


2 pumpkin
1 cup wheat
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1/5 cup vegetable oil
3 cup water


cut pumpkins into small pieces. Then pour oil into a saucepan and saute sliced pumpkins. After waiting a few minutes add tomato paste and mix.
Add 3 cups water. cook, 10 to 15 minutes in a sealed pot. Over here..
Food is ready. Bon appetit
Pour yogurt on top and serve.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Chicken Potato Recipe

Today's Recipe a chicken dinner: Chicken Potato
I leave you with my homecook
Necessary materials:

4-5 potatoes
500 grams of boiled chicken meat
1 tablespoon tomato paste
2 onions
2-3 cloves garlic
half a cup vegetable oil
thme, salt, black pepper

Preparation of our food

Chop potatoes in rings and fry in fried oil. Place them into a tray
cook, picked and chopped onions with half a cup vegetable oil in a saucepan
On top, add fiber fiber chopped chicken meat and chopped garlic and cook 1-2 minutes.
Then add the tomato paste, blackpepper and salt.
Pour over a cup of chicken stock.
The pot boils, turn off the stove and add the thyme
Add potatoes and cook in the oven until boiling over
cooked in the oven, and serve hot

Sorry, for bad english...

turkish cuisine...

Friday, September 27, 2013

Reatless Raw Meatball Recipe

I will give you the recipe for a raw meat. I made this recipe many times

What you need
3 cups fine wheat
3 onions
pepper souce
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 tablespoon cumin
black pepper
vegatable oil
lemon water

How do you do?
1. Soak the wheat with boiling water, add a little salt
2. Grate the onions and cook with oil
3. adding a tomato paste
4. Add spices and get the onions from the stove
5. Add onions mixture over wheat with boiling water swollen and add lemon water.
6. knead well
7. Add chopped parsley and onions to wheat
8. Add pepper and salt to taste bitter
9. Knead again thorougly. After giving the shape of small pieces.
10. Serve with lettuce


Thursday, September 26, 2013

5 Of The World's Best Food Blogs

This list comprises 5 of our favourite food blogs but is by no means exhaustive. Times Online invites users to submit their favourites for a follow-up article using the comment box below.

1. orangette The ultimate food lovers' blog. The seductive powers of food writing are not to be underestimated - Molly Wizenberg’s words even helped to find her a husband. I cooked for almost 12 hours straight after discovering this blog - recipes range from the simple to the delectable: tomato sauce, hasselback potatoes, chickpea salad, chocolate granola. Wizenberg redeems the most uninteresting food – her cabbage gratin is one of my culinary hits of the year.

Molly Wizenberg shares food secrets in our exclusive Meet the Food Bloggers interview

2. canellen-vanille The recipes say it all: salted caramel ice-cream, roasted fig frozen mousse, lemon verbena with chamomile crème brulee. This visually stunning site was started by Spanish pastry chef Aran Goyoaga in January last year to satisfy her career-break cravings. Even a snacky peek explains its overnight success.

3. The Wednesday Chef New York-based Luisa Weiss started this blog as a way of documenting her trawl through clippings of recipes from the New York and LA Times. A mix of recipes and humorous anecdotes - her boyfriend thinks he is pre-hypertensive so she reduces the salt to avoid confronting the issue of male hypochrondria - it's a charming blog packed with information (indeed, a whole 700 words about coleslaw).

4. Delicious Days Authored by Munich-based Nicky Stich, this blog has a huge following, currently at number 127 in Technorati’s Top 100 blogs (the highest ranking food blog.) Well-conceived, with an international flavour but healthy dose of German influence and easy to navigate sections including a food news feed. DD features the author’s own recipes, as well as adaptations from other cookbooks. An invaluable article offers tips for budding food bloggers.

5. David Lebovitz Another megablog, this witty food reportage by the established cookbook author and ex-pastry chef David Lebovitz has up to 25,000 visitors a day. Now based in Paris, he covers recipes, restaurants and interviews with other foodie heavyweights. Head to his FAQ page for all the culinary secrets on Paris you could wish for.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Ezo Gelin Soup


1 cup red lentil

6-7 cups water

1/2 cup fine bulgur

salt to taste

1 middle size onion

2 table spoons tomato paste

1/2 tea spoon hot pepper sauce or paste

2 table spoons olive oil

1 tea spoon red pepper flakes

1 tea spoon dried peppermint flakes

Recipe Info

Category: Soup Recipes

Rating: 5

Print Recipe


Peel, wash and mince the onion. Then place it in a soup pot. Add olive oil and saute the onion.

Wash red lentil and add it to the pot together with bulgur, tomatoe paste, pepper sauce and salt. Cook them until lentil and bulgur are soft. Let it boil few minutes and then remove pot from the heat.

Pour soup in plates and decorate top with red pepper and peppermint flakes. Serve it hot.

It is for four servings.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Easy Raisin Pie Recipe


1⁄2 cup confectioners’ sugar

4 tablespoons water
1 large egg yolk
For the filling 
10 tablespoons butter 
2 pounds gooseberries 
1 3⁄4 cups all-purpose flour
3⁄4 cup sugar 

6 servings


1. Rub the butter into the flour with your fingertips, then mix in the confectioners’ sugar and egg yolk. Bring the dough together and squeeze it into a round, then put it in the fridge for half an hour to chill. I find this pastry works well in the food processor too; first blitz the flour and butter, then mix briefly with the sugar and egg yolk.
2. Top and tail the gooseberries, then put them into a nonreactive saucepan with the sugar and water and simmer until the fruit has softened slightly— it will go paler in color too. But stop before the gooseberries collapse. Lift the fruit into a bowl with a slotted spoon, then turn up the heat and boil the liquid down to a thick syrup, stopping before it caramelizes.
3. Preheat the oven to 400°F. Roll out half the pastry and use to line an 8-inch tart pan, pushing it up the sides. I use a crinkle-edged tart ring with a removable bottom or an old-fashioned metal tart pan. Chill thoroughly, or freeze for fifteen minutes, then bake for fifteen minutes, baking blind, if you wish, until the pastry is dry and pale-biscuit colored.

Transfer the drained berries to the pie shell, pour over the thickened syrup, and leave to cool a little.

Roll or press out the remaining pastry into a round. Lift it on the rolling pin and place it gently on top of the pie, pressing the edges down to meet the bottom crust. Cut two air holes in the top crust.
6. Bake for twenty minutes until the pie is pale gold. Remove from the oven, sprinkle with superfine sugar, and return for a further five or six minutes. Leave the pie to cool a little before serving with a pitcher of heavy cream.

Grilled Corn with Butter Recipe

An easy recipe


4 garlic cloves, chopped
 ½ pound (2 sticks) unsalted butter, slightly softened
1 teaspoon mild Spanish paprika
2 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme
 ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
4 jarred piquillo peppers, patted dry and chopped
12 ears of corn
1. Combine the butter, piquillo peppers, garlic, thyme, paprika, 1 teaspoon salt, and the pepper in a food processor and process until smooth. Scrape the butter into a bowl, cover, and refrigerate for at least 1 hour and up to 24 hours. Let soften slightly before using.
2. Heat your grill to high for direct grilling.
3. Pull the outer husks down each ear of corn to the base. Strip away the silk from each ear of corn. Fold the husks back into place and tie the ends together with kitchen string. Place the ears of corn in a large bowl of cold water with 1 tablespoon salt for 10 minutes.
4. Remove the corn from the water and shake off the excess. Put the corn on the grill, close the cover, and grill, turning every 5 minutes, for 15 to 20 minutes, or until the kernels are tender when pierced with a paring knife.
5. Peel back the husks and serve the corn hot, slathered with the piquillo butter.

Bon Appetite



I, my wife and my son. Dry beans at one of our favorite meals.
Before write to the materials of the meals.
Pound of dry beans
1,5 tbsp. tomato paste
4-5 dried chili
1 large onion
1 teaspoon chili powder
4 tablespoons vegateble oil

Put teh beans into the water one day before. Seperate the beans from water.
put oil into a soucepan and fillet the onion .
Cook tomato paste and pour over sauteed.
Add salt and pepper.
Add dry beans into the soucepan and add hot water.
İf you wish you add chili powder

Good Appetit.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Easy Turkish Coffee Recipe

Turkish coffee "turkiye kahvesi" is a good meal. it was recognized.
So, How to make turkish coffee.
I will give you my wife's recipe his coffee...

"İf possible, make coffee for two people.
For a cup of:
Two teaspoons of coffee and  two teaspoons of sugar.
put into a pot of coffee and sugar.
Add cold water on top of and mix with a teaspoons.
Cook on low heat and wait until the foam.
Take coffee foam with a spoon.
Put the stove on fire again. After boiling empty the coffee cups.
And serve hot.

Good appetit.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Spicy Olive Salad


1 can kvutzat yavne olives

1 onion cubed

1 small- medium eggplant cubed

1 small Hunt’s tomato paste

2 tbsp sugar

some salt

a drop vinegar

hot red paprika to taste


Cook olives in water for at least an hr to take away the bitterness. After its done rinse them.

Saute onions till soft in a little oil.
Add eggplant and a 1/4 cup water let it cook till it gets soft.

 Add rest of ingredients and mix.
Let it cook for a few more minutes. Cool and refrigerate.
Can be served cold or room temp.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Carrot Cake Recipe

Ingredients :

250 g carrots

200 g self raising flour

200 g sugar

3 eggs

250ml peanut oil

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1 pinch salt

100 g chopped mixed nuts

100 g raisins

For the topping:

120 g cream cheese

200 g icing sugar

30 g butter

1 lemon

1 teaspoon vanilla powder

Recipe :

Preheat oven to 300°F(150°C).

Grease a 23cm cake tin or 28cm loaf tin.

Peel and finely grate carrots.

Beat eggs, sugar and oil for 2 minutes.

In a seperate bowl, mix the flour, cinnamon and nutmeg. Add the carrots, raisins and nuts.

Pour the mixture into your cake tin.

Cook for 45 minutes, leave to cool before removing from cake tin.

Squeeze the lemon, mix the cream cheese, butter, icing sugar and lemon juice.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Turkish Pizza - Lahmacun - Recipe


* 250 g sheep meat

* 10g yeast

* 75g sheep fat

* 1 tsp salt

* 2 chopped onions

* 150 g of water

* 3 tbsp chopped parsley

* 30g milk

* 1 tbsp salt

* 1 tsp salt

* 1 tbsp red pepper

* 1 peeled, chopped tomato

* dough

* 250g flavor


Mix onion, and parsley in a big tray and add minced meat, sheep fat, salt, tomato and bitter red pepper and mix this mixture properly. Place the ingredients into a tray.

DOUGH : Add yeast and salt to water in a bowl. Mix for 3 minutes. Add flavour and mix properly. Cover the dough with wet cloth and wait for 30 minutes.

Divide the dough to two pieces by pressing hand. Roll each dough by palm. Cover with wet cloth and wait for 30 minutes more.

Lay each dough as thin sheets until they reach the same size as the plate. Use hands for laying and push with your fingers to shore for thinning.

Heat owen to 240' C. Place dough to tray and spread milk by brush to doughs. Place ingredient to dough. Push tray to owen.

 Wait for 6-7 minutes for cooking.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Teriyaki Marinated Chicken


1 (6 ounce) can pineapple juice

1/4 cup vegetable oil

1/4 cup soy sauce

3 tablespoons brown sugar

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves


1. In a medium bowl, mix the pineapple juice, vegetable oil, soy sauce, brown sugar, garlic powder, and pepper. Place chicken in the bowl, and coat with the mixture. Cover, and marinate in the refrigerator at least 2 hours.

2. Preheat the oven broiler.

3. Place chicken on a baking sheet. Broil 5 minutes on each side in the preheated oven, or until no longer pink and juices run clear. Discard remaining marinade.

Pumpkin Quince And Apple Fries


250 g Pumpkin Quince

1 large-sized apples

* 2 tbsp Corn Flour

* 1 tablespoon

* 2 tablespoons crushed Pistachio Coconut

* 1 tablespoon flour

* 2 tablespoons poppy seeds

* 2 Eggs

* Salt

* Pepper

* melting Cheddar Cheese

* For frying:

* Vegetable Oil


Pumpkin, apple and quince, peel the shells, ring-shaped cut. Boil until tender and mild, then drain. A deep bowl, mix corn flour, coconut, pistachios, and mix the flour and poppy seeds. In a separate bowl, beat eggs. Pumpkin and fruit before the flour mixture to the egg, then fry on both sides sıvıyağda bulayıp angry. After filtering excess oil on paper napkins serving dish. Bains-marie, melt the cheese melting Drizzle over fruit and serve. Note: If you like, fries, or eat yogurt with garlic.



* 350 g mince

* a tin of chopped tomatoes

* 1 onion

* 1 bunch parsley

* 2 cloves of garlic

* some stale, baked bread

* 1 egg

* some oregano, salt, pepper

* 3 sweet Pepperoni


Köfte is the name given to anything made from mince, which resembles rissoles, but is a little different. Köfte themselves should be very small, totally unlike rissoles. However, the principle is still the same: mix the mince with an egg, bread, an onion, the chopped parsley and the spices and then bake (preferably on a grill pan). It is also possible to breadcrumb the small meatballs or to fill them with cheese (normal pan). Other variations are the “ladies’ thigh” - larger Köfte with a cheese and rice filling, mostly breadcrumbed. We also prepare a sauce made from the chopped tomatoes, the pressed garlic and the salt, pepper and oregano (or thyme and basil, if you prefer) and then heated (simmer for an hour). On occasions, we cook our Köfte in the oven with a few pepperoni on tin foil (dried) for half an hour at 225 to 250 degrees. Arrange everything on a plate and pour the sauce over it. One final thought: add a garlic/yoghurt sauce and serve with Pide or a baguette

Special Chicken Recipe

chicken recipe

* 1 onion, chopped

* 3 cloves garlic, minced

* 1 Tbsp. olive oil                                                  

* 9 oz. pkg. frozen fully cooked diced chicken

* 2 (15 oz.) cans black beans, drained and rinsed

* 24 oz. jar thick and chunky salsa

* 1 cup taco sauce

* 8 corn tortillas

* 1 cup sour cream

* 2 cups shredded Cojack cheese


In medium microwave safe bowl, cook onion and garlic in olive oil on HIGH for 2-3 minutes until tender. Stir in frozen chicken, black beans and salsa. (If freezing, cool onion and garlic mixture before adding frozen chicken.)
In 2 quart glass baking dish, pour taco sauce. Lay four corn tortillas over sauce. Top with half of chicken mixture. Spoon on half of sour cream in small dollops. Sprinkle with half of cheese. Top with remaining tortillas, chicken mixture, sour cream and cheese. Cover with foil. At this point, you can wrap the casserole well and freeze up to 3 months.

Bake at 350 degrees for 25-35 minutes until bubbly. Uncover and bake 5-10 minutes longer until cheese is melted. If frozen, thaw casserole overnight in refrigerator, then bake covered at 350 degrees for 35-45 minutes until bubbly; uncover and bake 5-10 minutes longer until cheese melts.